Wealth Logistics

Is Wealth Logistics for me?
I am looking for year-round financial decision support with a deep level of oversight & execution.


We help compile and organize your core financial data

You’ll have a secure portal where you can store and easily access your most important documents.

Clarification & Foundation

We build, maintain, and consistently analyze core financial schedules for your household

These typically include: Net Worth Statement Income Statement Income Tax Projection Risk Assessment

Financial Planning

Core data and deep conversations will inform our advice in two areas:

Clarity and Purpose Unknown Risks and Opportunities

Tax Planning

Income tax planning can provide meaningful savings and is often overlooked by advisors. 

Proactive tax planning should occur throughout the year, and not retroactively upon filing time to capture opportunities & prevent surprises

Investment Management

We are low cost, long-term, tax-efficient investors, and we coach clients to become the same.

Understanding everything about your finances, specifically how & when you will use your savings, we build a strategy to match your prioties

Ongoing Decision Support & Execution

Financial planning is a process, not a product

Single Point keeps the trains running on time and alerts you when it’s time to shift strategy.