What are the qualities that make a great financial planner?  Quite frankly, the technical skills needed to analyze and provide impactful advice are mere table stakes.
  • Empathy: It’s hard to imagine someone being effective in any “helping-based” career without the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
  • Curiosity: The instinct to ask great questions, and to dig a bit deeper below the surface.
  • Listening: We start all meetings with a reminder that the agenda isn’t about us, it is about hearing from you and listening to your priorities.
  • Attention to Detail: Our financial lives are complex.  A strong framework & organization of them requires precision.
  • Resourcefulness:  No one person can have all the answers.  It takes a team.  Knowing where to find the right answers to the right questions.
As I reflect on this list I couldn’t be more excited to introduce our newest Personal CFO, Meghan Dwyer.  In the years that they overlapped at BNYM Wealth, Rene Jarquin (our CIO) knew her to be among the most thorough and detail-oriented planning associates… and a fantastic team-mate always willing to roll up her sleeves to get stuff done for clients. We are excited to have her step into a lead P-CFO role for SPP’s clients.
Here’s a quick message from Meghan, we know you will enjoy getting to know her:

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