Single Point of View
Single Point of View is our way to occasionally share planning ideas relating to personal finance. Our goal is to pass along concepts that you may not be exposed to on a daily basis.
Be Aware of Capital Gain Distributions
Do you own mutual funds in a taxable investment account? If so, you should be aware of year-end Capital Gain Distributions. December (year-end planning season!) truly is the most wonderful time of the year (for nerdy financial planners.) Bottom line (if you don't want to watch the video): you should compare tax cost of holding mutual funds vs. selling [...]
When is the right time to sell my company stock?
The "right" time to sell an individual stock is one of the tougher financial decisions we see people struggle with. This can be especially tricky when it is your company stock and you feel more connected to it. But as these positions grow (specifically if part of your compensation is via additional stock), a single position can become a [...]
The Election & Your Estate
For part 3 of our series on the impact of the election on your finances, let's tackle the potential impact on estate taxes and the planning you can consider. Right now, the Federal estate exemption is as high as it’s ever been ($11.58MM per person!) with the exception of 2010 where the estate tax was fully waived for a [...]
Introducing Bob Dockendorff!
Long-time clients of SPP have heard me describe our process of updating our business plan each year. Our focus for the year ahead always begins with exploring how we can best "improve the advice, service, and overall experience we deliver to our clients". Our hope has always been that the outcome of this mindset would be successful relationships with [...]
The Election & Your Taxes
This week in our continuing series on the impact of the election we tackle income taxes. If you missed last week on investments you can check it out here. Below is a chart showing the top marginal tax brackets since 1913. What stands out (beyond the fact that the top marginal tax bracket in the 1950s was over 90%!!!) [...]
How will the outcome of the election impact my finances?
Back in July, Rene posted a video answering the question: "Should I change my portfolio before the election?" (if you missed it, you can check it out here: Being the data nerd I am, I thought I would add onto his post with a little additional context. The reality is that a change in the political landscape has [...]