Single Point of View2023-03-28T12:35:07+00:00

Single Point of View

Single Point of View is our way to occasionally share planning ideas relating to personal finance. Our goal is to pass along concepts that you may not be exposed to on a daily basis.

How To Protect Your Children From Identity Theft

We wanted to share this great article from the Wall Street Journal, "New on Parents’ To-Do List: Checking Children’s Credit History".  In it you will find some important resources for protecting your children from identity theft.  Experian estimates that identity theft will affect one in four children before they become an adult.  It's important to stay on top of this, [...]

By |August 28th, 2018|Categories: Family Planning, General Planning, Single Point of View|Tags: |Comments Off on How To Protect Your Children From Identity Theft

Elf Spotting, Financial Advisors & Fiduciaries

It's been just over 2 years since I made this post.  The sentiment of the video and my remarks are as true today.  It was circled back to me from a great friend and client today, so I thought I would re-share it with all of you....   Thank you John Oliver for explaining the problems in the financial advice [...]

By |July 31st, 2018|Categories: General Planning|Tags: |1 Comment

Charitable Giving in a Post-Tax Reform World

The tax law changes at the end of 2017 drastically changed the landscape for deductible expenses – these changes have a major impact on tax optimization and planning strategies going forward. Back-up – what are deductions? Taxpayers have two deduction options when filing a return.  They can take the standard deduction (a flat amount based on your filing status) OR [...]

By |July 3rd, 2018|Categories: Charitable Planning, Single Point of View, Tax Planning|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Charitable Giving in a Post-Tax Reform World

Even With Index Funds, You Need to Know What You Own

At Single Point we believe that index-tracking funds offer the best outcomes over high-cost stock-picking funds. As the number of trackable indexes has grown over the years – especially beyond the core Large Cap S&P500 Index - we spend a great deal of time identifying the best index to track the complimentary or ‘satellite’ asset classes.  In the Small Cap [...]

By |June 19th, 2018|Categories: Investment Planning, Single Point of View|Tags: |Comments Off on Even With Index Funds, You Need to Know What You Own

SPP Featured in Investment News

Excited to see that our conflict free model is gaining some national recognition.  Thought you might enjoy the article below: At this firm, flat fees are about offering conflict-free advice At Boston firm Single Point Partners, adviser Seth Corkin says clients don't have to worry about what's motivating advisers' recommendations By Jeff Benjamin   |  June 9, 2018 - 6:00 am EST [...]

By |June 12th, 2018|Categories: Personal CFO, Single Point of View|Tags: |Comments Off on SPP Featured in Investment News

Tax Law Changes Impact on Your Stock Options

Four months into 2018 and many are still digesting the changes to the tax code resulting from the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA).  To date, there’s been a lot of buzz about the impact on business owners and the limit of state and local tax deductions.  However, the bill also has major implications for those participating in their [...]

By |May 1st, 2018|Categories: Investment Planning, Single Point of View, Tax Planning|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Tax Law Changes Impact on Your Stock Options
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